The Trailer Park: Darling Companion, The Hunter, Jeff Who Lives at Home, Lockout, Playback, Project X, Red Lights

Welcome to The Trailer Park!
This is first of what will hopefully become a weekly column rounding up new and newish trailers lurking around the internet.
Put on your John Nada sunglasses before the jump or...submit to the advertising.
Darling Companion
The kind of movie my Mother would have rented and made my sister and I watch. While we would try to resist, these animal flicks always ended up getting the better of us... except The Amazing Panda Adventure. That movie sucks.
The Hunter
Since the creation of Jurassic Park rendered paleontologists unnecessary, Dr. Alan Grant now has his eyes set on another extinct (or is it?) animal. Willem Dafoe and Sam Neill embark on an incredible journey to find the last living Tasmanian Tiger.
Jeff Who Lives At Home
This movie's title rings a little too close to home. The story... not so much.
This is one of my most anticipated movies of the year. Why? Because I love Escape From L.A. and I love space related Science Fiction.
I think we all miss Christian Slater.
Project X
Found footage party movie? This is actually the second trailer for this movie. The first trailer gives me anxiety. Is this the first time anyone has tapped into the Action Party genre? Andrew W. K. better be on the soundtrack.
Red Lights
Sadly, this is an international trailer with no subtitles. Still, this trailer provides a look at the tone of the movie. I can't wait to know whats going on with this movie! Something paranormal is all i can gather. looks great and has a stellar cast.