Unfortunately with this being the fourth of July weekend, I haven't had the time to devote to this post this weekend that I really need to be. I'm really trying to do the whole spend time with the family thing, so I probably shouldn't be writing this at all. But I couldn't let the numbers go unaddressed, so I at least had to get something up real quick.
As you can probably assume, "The Amazing Spider-Man" was the easy winner this weekend. Even though it officially opened on Tuesday (which took away a lot of the luster from its weekend numbers), it still managed a respectable debut.
Two other films opened this weekend, "Savages" and "Katy Perry: Part of Me". "Savages" put up stronger-than-expected numbers and finished in the top five, while Perry couldn't quite match the Justin Bieber standards from a year ago. Her film finished in the top 10, but the studio and fans had to be expecting more.
Hit the jump for a quick reaction to the actual numbers, as well as a graphic featuring the totals for the top fifteen films this weekend.
Spider-Man took the top spot. It might look like the film was a bit of a bust due to the sub-$75MM weekend numbers, but remembering that the film opened four days prior to the weekend - and has now amassed more than $135MM in less than a week - makes things look a little better. This film had a much higher budget than I thought it had, but even still, with over $200MM now overseas, the studio is already well into the black on this one.As you can probably assume, "The Amazing Spider-Man" was the easy winner this weekend. Even though it officially opened on Tuesday (which took away a lot of the luster from its weekend numbers), it still managed a respectable debut.
Two other films opened this weekend, "Savages" and "Katy Perry: Part of Me". "Savages" put up stronger-than-expected numbers and finished in the top five, while Perry couldn't quite match the Justin Bieber standards from a year ago. Her film finished in the top 10, but the studio and fans had to be expecting more.
Hit the jump for a quick reaction to the actual numbers, as well as a graphic featuring the totals for the top fifteen films this weekend.
Ben Foutch put together a review for the film last week, and we all discuss it in-depth on this week's CinemaCast, and the overall consensus is that it's a fine installment for the superhero genre. There are some great things happening in this film, but also a few pretty regular things happening. Definitely check it out if you haven't gotten out to the theater for it yet though.
Oliver Stone's "Savages" was another anticipated film for some this weekend (and the subject of this week's Top 5 Movie Guide), and it was nice to see the film put together some decent totals. It wasn't anything spectacular, but for a film with these themes, this was a decent total. Reviews have been middling, but acceptable. I haven't seen the film yet, but a few of us will be getting around to it soon and putting up a review.
Since you can see the totals below, I won't spend any more time going over my thoughts (my family isn't loving that I'm sitting in front of my computer right now). If you want any more stats or specifics on the numbers, just head over to Box Office Mojo for full details on each film. I'll be back to the regular formatting next weekend. Hopefully this can hold you over until then!