The Trailer Park: The Bay, Cloud Atlas, A Christmas Story 2, Dead In Tombstone, Francine, Ginger & Rosa, Hansel And Gretel: Witch Hunters, Parental Guidance, Toys In The Attic, Twice Born,

Welcome to The Trailer Park! - A weekly column rounding up new and newish trailers lurking around the internet.
As always, put on your John Nada sunglasses before the jump or...submit to the advertising.
The Bay
Barry Levinson? This movie has that extra dash of credibility through its director. Exciting! Plus it just looks awesome anyway.
Cloud Atlas
This is the shorter theatrical trailer. It continues to add interest.
A Christmas Story 2
You know, even though this is the worst idea ever, I like that they stuck with the hazy filter. it gives it just enough of that nostalgic touch to fool someone into watching it.
Dead In Tombstone
Danny Trejo looks awesome. Mickey Rourke needs a beard. I wonder if he can grow one through all that plastic?
That difficult adjustment back into society after prison.
Ginger & Rosa
Looks like we have an all-star coming of age story on our hands. Will Elle impress again?
Hansel And Gretel: Witch Hunters
For as Van Helsing as this looks, I still kind of really want to see it. It makes me wish my sister and I were that epic at witch hunting.
Parental Guidance
Billy Crystal? Bette Midler? I'm all over this movie when it finally airs on TV!
Toys In The Attic
Just creepy looking enough (in a Jim Henson sort of way) for me to have a slight interest in seeing it.
Twice Born
If the music was so great with the visuals...would I still care?