The Trailer Park: Campus Life, Elysium, Filth, The Hangover Part III, Now You See Me, Romeo and Juliet, Star Trek Into Darkness, Man Of Steel, The Way, Way Back

Welcome to The Trailer Park! - A weekly column rounding up new and newish trailers lurking around the internet.
As always, put on your John Nada sunglasses before the jump or... submit to the advertising.
Campus Life
Did Scorsese and Ray Liotta lose a bet or something? Is this a favor for a family or a family friend? What's happening here? Why are they in this?
At least James Cameron can rest assured that if he ever reaches the state of being unable to make movies, Neill Blomkamp can pick up where he left off.
This Trailer earns a Red Band for being...well, filthy.
The Hangover Part III
Am I the only one who finds Ken Jeong to be the most annoying part about these movies? He just becomes more and more the central part of these films and I don't like it. John Goodman will hopefully make up for it. Plus I'm kind of sad Doug never gets in on any of the action but at the same time it's a pretty hilarious running joke throughout the series.
Now You See Me
This movie just looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. Michael Caine has a monopoly on films based on magic.
Romeo and Juliet
There is no reason for this movie to be made. we have so many great versions of it already. This feels like a waste of everyone's time as it doesn't seem to bring anything new to the table.
Star Trek Into Darkness
Oh, shoot, I just got a little emotional right there when Kirk turns to his crew and says "I'm Sorry."
Man Of Steel
This has gotten me pretty fueled to catch this movie! Can't wait!!
The Way, Way Back
Steve Carell really excels in these quirky dramedies.